The Penguin VFX Artist, 2024 (HBO Productions)
BEYONCE -- Renaissance World Tour VFX artist, 2022 - 2023
G-AI-A Collaboration with Artificial Intelligence, 2022
Cosmic Mind Personal Project, 2021
Super Bowl LV Creative Director for augmented reality graphics, 2021 (Silver Spoon Animation)
TENCENT Design + Execution, 2020 (Ntropic)
The Grammys VFX, 2020 (Ntropic)
Dr Pepper CG + VFX, 2020 (Ntropic)
Samsung VFX, 2020 (Kollins)
Oral B Compositing, 2020 (Ntropic)
Compositing 2015 - 2020
Adidas VFX, 2019
Stellar Soul Personal Project, WIP
Oculus VFX, 2020 (Ntropic)
ESPN Design + Execution, 2019 (Kollins)
Type 2020 - 2021
Oculus CG + VFX, 2019 (Charlex)
Abstractions VFX, 2021 (MPC w/ CD Sina Taherkhani)
Reality via Perception Personal Project, 2020
DEMO REEL 1998 - 2021
SOULSCAPES Personal Project, 2020
Lost In Space Design + Execution, 2019 (The Resistance)
Oral B VFX, 2019 (Ntropic)
Motion 2019 - 2020
CG 2018 - 2020
Explorations 2014 - 2019
Type 2015 - 2017
Birth Dance Personal Project, WIP
Knicks CG + VFX, 2018 (Digital Arts)
St Jude Hospital CG + Design, 2017 (Via)
KFC Cheetos Compositing, 2019 (Silver Spoon)
VFX 2015 - 2020
The Secret VFX, 2019 (Resistance)
Landscape Painting Personal Project, 2018
Justice League Design + Execution, 2017 (Resistance)
Periscape Creative Direction + Execution, 2017
United States Navy Design + Execution, 2017 (Resistance)
Lost in Space VFX + Design, 2017 (Resistance)
Fed Ex Design + Execution, 2015 (Via)
A Good Dream VFX, 2016 (Mahum Jamal)
Oral B VFX, 2016 (Ntropic)
Soulscapes Logo Personal Project, 2016
CG 2013 - 2017
Motion 2014 - 2017
Logos 2015 - 2019
Star Wars / HP VFX, 2015 (Suspect)
VFX 2014 - 2016
Humira Particles, 2015 (Ntropic)
Lytro Creative Direction + Execution, 2016
Castrol VFX, 2014 (Suspect)
Easy Skanking Personal Project, 2015
HP CG + Type Animation, 2015 (Suspect)
SAP Design + Execution, 2012 (Ntropic)
Samsung Times Square Design + Execution, 2013 (Reel FX)
Logos 2013 - 2014
Motion Design 2010 - 2014
Tutorials 2014 - 2016
Jamaica's 50th Anniversary Design + Execution, 2012 (Water Works)
The Monkey King Design + Execution, 2013 (Global Star)
Rebirth of Gaea Personal Project, 2012
Tartaros Personal Project, 2012
Flowing Meditation Personal Project, 2011
Cronos Scours for Zeus Personal Project, 2012
Inception Rebirth of Gaea vignette
Nebulaic Embryo Personal Project, 2012
Burst Personal Project, 2012
Daphne Consoles Gaea 2012
The Eroses 2012
The Curetes 2012
Longing for Ouranos Personal Project, 2012
Cycle of Sorrows 2012
Gaea Springs To Life Personal Project, 2012
Interstellar Chariot Personal Project, 2012
Shapeshifter VFX + Compositing, 2010 (Charlex)
Dodge VFX + Compositing, 2008 (Charlex)
Avril VFX + Compositing, 2009 (Suspect)
Logos 2002 - 2006
Gillette 2005 - 2009 (Charlex)
HP Compositing, 2008 (Framestore)
FiOS Design + VFX, 2010 (Charlex)
Compositing 2009 - 2010
Will.I.Am VFX + Compositing, 2008 (Charlex)
Compositing 2008
AT+T Comp, 2008 (Framestore)
Toshiba Design + Execution, 2007 (Charlex)
Compositing 2007
Compositing 2005 - 2006
Gillette "Fusion" 2005
MMs Compositing, 2005 (Charlex)
Verizon "It's The Network" Compositing, 2005 (Charlex)
One Rat Short Compositing + UI, 2006 (Charlex)
WNBC 2006
Mother & Child Personal Project, 2007
VFX 2005 - 2007
Showcase Comp, 2002 (Sideshow)
VFX 2002 - 2004 (Sideshow)
Type 2002 - 2003 (Sideshow)
Broadcast 2003 (Sideshow)
DirecTV 2005 (Charlex)
Showtime Compositing, 2005 (Element)
Sprint 2005 (Charlex)
AIG Compositing, 2005 (Charlex)
History Channel Design + Execution, 2005
Stereomongrel Design + Execution, 2005 (Suspect)
Disney VFX, 2004 (Sideshow)
HBO Boxing Design + Execution, 2002 (Sideshow)
The Hollow 2004 (Sideshow)
Barker Design + execution, 2004 (Sideshow)
Mysteries Design + Execution, 2003 (Sideshow)
Compositing 1999 - 2003
Type 2000 - 2001 (Spin)
Personal 1998 - 1999
Broadcast 2002 (Sideshow)
Cartoon Network 1999 - 2001 (Spin)
TSE 2000 (Spin)
Late Show Design + Execution, 2003 (Sideshow)
scifi "Taken" Design + Execution, 2002 (Sideshow)
scifi Compositing, 2002 (Sideshow)
UI 1999 - 2001 (Spin)
Personal 1996 - 1997
Logos 1998 - 1999 (Spin)
CG 1996 - 1998
Type 1998 - 1999 (Spin)
Motion 1998 - 2001 (Spin)
VFX 1998 - 2001 (Spin)
Nike Design + Execution, 1998 (Spin)
WBZL Compositing, 1998 (Computer Cafe)
Motion 1997 - 1999
Armageddon Compositing, 1998 (Computer Cafe)
Flubber Compositing, 1997 (Computer Cafe)
Inferno Self Portrait
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© Jesse Michael Newman